
Technological innovations in healthcare have implemented much smoother communication within healthcare organizations. Medical professionals can now deploy media essentials i.e., video, online chat platforms and real-time meeting capability to communicate and progress the increase of knowledge in the field. Electronic medical records in-house are handy by all relevant departments and care providers. This results in enhanced case management, treatments, and patient recovery.

Earlier, medical...

As India embarks into an era of tech-startups mushrooming every other day, there has been an unprecedented shift in the partnering of technology with the common man. Of late, health tech startups have gained traction in the Indian Diaspora and online appointment scheduling system is at the center stage.

Everyone knows that doctor’s appointments can be very troublesome. Whether it is waiting in the office or simply booking an appointment, it seems like things can b...

Health in India stands at a paradoxical juncture. With the decline in mortality rates and increase in average life expectancy, India’s healthcare indicators have definitely improved over the last decade. Healthcare organizations have a complex set of workflows as compared to other industry and the interactions which are required to be captured in electronic format are becoming obligatory. The digital technology is maximizing the productivity of clinician, physician and hospital systems to p...

Healthcare to most of us has been predominantly about reactive treatment or an individual suffering with an illness and has been undergoing a treatment. But the landscape of healthcare has been changing gradually. Care providers and technological arms of Information technology are sensing a huge potential growth in terms of operations and need.

Imagine a person in his mid thirties with a very erratic lifestyle is being informed about the potential threats to his health at very beginning of the threat. It sounds too right to be true. All this has been possible when the right health d...

Healthcare systems are highly complex, fragmented and use multiple information technology systems.

In the current largely paper-based medical records world, invaluable data is often unavailable at the right time in the hands of the clinical care providers to permit better care. This is largely due to the inefficiencies inherent in the paper-based system.

In order to be meaningful, the health record of an individual needs to be from conception or birth. As one progresses through one’s life, every record of every clinical encounter represents an event in one’s life...